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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:42:00 GMT 2003
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    [RC] Help for "Un-ridable" Horse - Tamara Taylor

    Hello RC,
    This past May we bought a 6 year old unregistered Arab gelding from an auction 
    for $500. He's got a nice temperment, seems affectionate and personable on the 
    ground. Sound, healthy, fairly decent conformation and great feet. I think he 
    was a "steal of a deal".
    He has a very hard mouth and I suspect whoever trained him used a harsh bit 
    with harsh hands. I've been schooling him in the arena in a snaffle bit and it 
    seems to be improving. He also has 'dead sides'. You can squeeze til you are 
    blue in the face but he will not go any faster. He is not at all sensitive to a 
    crop (I haven't 'whacked' him hard though). He is 'broke' but not trained to 
    the aids whatsoever.
    The problem is that he's thrown my Dad off twice and my friend baled off of him 
    tonight. Each situation was different. Twice it was out on the trail and today 
    it was in an indoor arena. Each time it happens at the trot - he goes faster 
    and faster until he gets out of control. My friend is my no means an 
    inexperienced rider. He has never once got out of control with me or offered to 
    throw me off. Any suggestions at all? I don't feel safe letting anyone else 
    ride him and I'm not sure where to go from here. Is there anyway I can trust 
    this horse in the future for endurance or to sell him?
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