Dear Angie;
I beg to differ with Jim Helfter from ABC about his
"presumed formulation" of the Dynamite products.
The original Dynamite formula was developed for
Citation when he won the Triple Crown.
Jim Helfter now of ABC was originally a Dynamite
Distributor who "worked" in the Dynamite
office for a couple of years in the early
90's. Mr. Jim Zamzow and his family developed the
complete line of Dynamite products from
the equine formulas to crops, human, and pet products.
I find it interesting that the ABC line was
developed After Mr. Helfter worked at the Dynamite Company
has similar formulas to the Dynamite lines. Mr.
Zamzow has business integrity and a genuine knowledge
of nutrition and concern for improved health
of each human, equine, pet and earth product.
I've used Dynamite products since 1991 and I will
confidently continue to use them with the knowledge that
my health and my
horses health can be trusted with the true facts. Carpe
Diem Dynamite!
Happy Trails from the Heart,
Beverly Gray AERC# 4099 over 14,000 race
AA Omner - 9,000 mile AERC Hall of Fame, Breyer
Model horse,
Arabian Horse Magazine top ten endurance horse of the Millennium
Paladin - USET Endurance Team
Spain - 1st USA rider
completion in all races
8:42 fastest 100
I called ABC and talked with Jim yesterday. He said that he actually
formulated most of Dynamites products. ABC is the same deal only it is
not multi-level marketing so that's why the pricing is different.
Makes sense to me... Angie