Dear all, I still am overwhelmed how giving you all are. I send out a post and bam! are all there! I am totally greatful to all your responses and I tried to thank you all privately. Have to apologize for some being lenghly as I yack too darn much. But I am very appreciative of the help and I received some very constructive ideas and some very good perspectives and suggestions. I'm especially thankful to the young people who thought enough to share there experiences and feelings. Kids helping kids! I do fear though, that in seeking help and answers that it may have broght back painful memories for others and I apologize for that, but I'm greatful for your selfless sharing. I shared many emails with my daughter and I feel it did help her in some ways. It made her feel not so isolated in her feelings and that there are others out there going thru or have gone thru the same thing. Again thanks RC for the help! kathie
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