Let me get this straight, Amanda.
You are considering organizing a clinic on distance
riding. The experience you would bring to this enterprise is that you
once set foot in an endurance ridecamp as a casual, last
minute, add-on "crew member" who admitted she didn't do much of anything
except toss a little water and look around camp. You
were amazed to see so much biothane and so little leather tack and to
see so few dressage or Wintec saddles. You weren't interested in
the hard work of volunteering with ride management. In fact, you said that
partying, rather than the work of distance riding, was more your
style. And, you really like to post to this list, telling everyone how
AERC should do things (BTW, are you an AERC member?).
What in heavens name makes you think you're
qualified to organize a clinic -- except maybe hubris? How do you
know what topics should be included? How do you know which speakers to
Give us a break. If you want to help make
more clinics available, work with established groups in your "area" to get
the benefit of those folks' experience (the two closest ones I can think of are
the Doncaster group (talk with Helen/John Stacy, Bob Walsh, Bonnie Snodgrass) or
OD (see http://www.olddominionrides.org/).
The nature of distance competition is that you have to travel some -- get used
to the idea. It's not a neighborhood sport.
BTW, dressage riders and eventers know
nothing about the kind of hours in the saddle that distance riders invest in
their sport. More than one eventer told me she would *never* want to
spend as many hours in the saddle as I spent conditioning for my first
----- Original Message ----- > As I
said in my private post, AERC neither organizes or funds > rides or
clinics. If you are so sure a clinic would be > successful, organize
I am seriously considering it, but I am not an
experienced endurance rider and would need the help of some. Do you think
speakers/presenters would be as likely to come to a non-sanctioned
event as to a sanctioned one? I sem to recall someone trying to organize a
clinic in Maryland last year, but there was some sort of 'conflict' that
prevented it (scheduling? conflict with another org's event? not