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    Re: [RC] tevis dreams/ inspiration - Barbara McCrary

    There are at least 3 tough 100 milers: Tevis, certainly the most famous, and
    very difficult (terrain and heat);  Old Dominion, difficult I hear because
    of the weather (humid) and terrain (very rocky), and Swanton Pacific
    (shameless plug for our ride), because of its relentless elevation changes;
    lots of hills, both short and steep and long grades, throughout the entire
    ride.  Then there's Big Horn, with which I have no experience, but it's a
    long-standing ride in very beautiful country.  There are no doubt others
    that I don't know about.......
    Barbara McCrary
    Ride manager, Swanton Pacific 75/100
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: <RENESPONY@xxxxxx>
    To: <ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
    Sent: Monday, December 09, 2002 9:58 PM
    Subject: [RC] tevis dreams/ inspiration
    > Hi there
    > I know conversation and subjects on ride camp are getting a little worn
    > But one thing I don't see much of is inspiration and where most of you get
    > that urge to go on. I always wonder what is on the mind of the diehards
    > spend 12 hours or more in the saddle at 100 milers and such.
    > I have that Christopher Columbus bug. Its why I can stare at the weather
    > channel for 2 hours, or my love of globes and maps.
    > its gazing at the road atlases at the check out in CVS, or reading every
    > travel book at the library.
    > I told my husband that I want to do tevis someday; took some explaining
    > why I need to drive 3400 miles across 11 states, and 3 time zones to ride
    > "Some trail,"
    > but its a dream that has been eating at my mind for many years.
    >  I don't know where I first heard of tevis, I think it was in a book.
    > but this dream could easily be a reality in the near future.
    > i suddenly find my self with the ability to get there, and a horse that
    > likely face the challenge.
    > maybe because I'm getting older, i want a nice pick up as a dream vehicle,
    > that sports car now seems like a useless waste of money. (i could get 2
    > trucks for that price!)
    > i am also now old enough to pack up and go anywhere I want!
    >  I got introduced to riding when I was 7. I went on a hack line with my
    > they put me on the oldest, deadest horse in the barn..... it ran away with
    > me. It was fate. I loved it. I was taking lessons the following weekend.
    > I started showing locally the next year. The hot summer sun, the wool
    > and hot rubber boots, and you know after 20 years of that crap I was happy
    > ride in the woods in a tank top.
    >  its the love of horses and the woods. the smell of  the horse, the
    > and mind reading that grows from the partnership. i was naturally
    > to trail riding.
    > blazing trails, packing a lunch and not coming back till after dark. I
    > to find and see it all on my little maps.
    > is tevis the worlds toughest 100 miler? Is old dominion the toughest 50
    >  so where do these dreams get me? I cant wait for spring so the new season
    > can start.
    > cant wait for the rest of my life to start.
    >                                                                     RENE
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    >  Ride Long and Ride Safe!!
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     Ridecamp is a service of Endurance Net, http://www.endurance.net.
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     Ride Long and Ride Safe!!

    [RC] tevis dreams/ inspiration, RENESPONY