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RE: mystery weight loss older mare

Corn oil works very well. Start at a cup a day and work up until she is
putting on the weight. Pour it right over her grain. I buy it by the gallon
at Costco or Wal-Mart. It is pretty cheap and works very well. Marilyn

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2002 12:07 PM
Subject: RC: mystery weight loss older mare

carla lawson
Seems when it rains it pours for my 4H kids. Young lady has a 24 yr old
quarter mare that has some severe weight loss. Blood samples were good.
Wormed on regular basis. Eats all her 2.5 gallons of grain and hay is on
fescue pasture. The young lady stays with her mare to insure she eats all
her grain. We are trying to set appt to get teeth floated. Vet is going to
do clinic and float kids horses teeth and get shots and vaccinations up to
date for small fees. Right now she is on senior feed, & 10% sweet feed. I
have reached a brain fart and can't seem to think of anything off the top
of my head to feed to this poor mare. She looks like crap and I am very
worried at this point. Again....the kids funds are not great, I can't help
in any way (my funds are tied) This is a wonderful mare and for the life
of me...I can't figure out what to feed her short of beet pulp....(Kids
look at me and say eewww grosssss)When I feed the stuff. mmmmmm My horses
do look better tho' Any ideas to fatten this poor chick up?
carla (stumped)
Ansata (beet pulp...its whats for dinner and breakfast and lunch)
Haley (i like mine with a little sweet feed)
Rob (oh my!!!!)

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