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Re:DVMs vs. dentists

Does it really need to be phrased that way?
Many of us think DVMs *and* dentists sounds better. Lots of DVMs have made 
the requisite effort to gain further education in the area after 
graduation. I know several  who limit their practice almost entirely to 
dentistry. I also know laymen who are pisspoor dentists as well as those 
who are excellent.
I've participated in several seminars myself, though  my rotator cuff 
problems make me reluctant to invest in a lot of dental equipment.
I coordinate visits with several local laymen who do dentistry in order to 
tranquilize animals for them. In my case, I usually set it up so I can hang 
out and catch up on local gossip with the dentist and the client, 
but  those of you who have DVMs with a more businesslike approach to things 
need to be willing to pay what the DVMs time is worth if you want his or 
her services in that regard--remember, once the DVM has administered the 
drugs, it is that person's license and liability on the line.  They deserve 
to be compensated for it.
                                     --CMNewell, DVM

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