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Re: Dentist versus Vet

We have a guy just like you described...he has "the touch".  He rarely has to sedate a horse if ever.  He has never had to sedate any of ours, even when pulling wolf teeth and we don't have wild and crazy horses afterward either.  Even when they don't like what he is doing, they love him up after and are always glad to see him come back.  It's the darnedest thing!  :)  He charges $50 a horse but it's so worthwhile.  Yeah, the vets around here only charge $35 and that includes the farm call but they mostly just file the teeth down.  They don't get in there and do a really good job.  Many times our dentist has to go in and "fix" or redo the job a month or so later.  I am not slamming vets here...I know there are some competent vets who do dental work...we just don't have any in our area.  I'll pay the extra $15 any day! 

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