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Saddle Fit Clinic in Colorado Springs

Since saddle fit is a common topic on this list, I thought I'd post this

There will be a saddle fit clinic held on March 9th in Colorado Springs.
The clinician will be Les Sparks of Free'n'Easy Saddles
( .  He will talk about saddle fit in
general, horse anatomy and function and how that relates to saddle fit.
There is room for 8 horses to be fitted with a Free'n'Easy saddle.
Observers will be able to learn what to look for in general saddle fit even
though the exercise will be to learn how to adjust a Free'n'Easy saddle to
the horse.

Les has designed endurance (and other style) saddles with panels underneath
to properly distribute weight over a greater surface area.  There is room
for adjustment to a wide range of horses.  Even stirrup placement is

There will also be a well-known local chiropractor that has an expertise in
saddle fit available in case a horse has more problems than saddle fit and
would like a chiro consultation (fee based).

If you are interested, please check out my website
( for a flyer and registration form.  Horse spots
are filling, but there should be plenty of room for observers.


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