arabian-head-fling-thing is really not only "arabian".
my trotters (US Standardbred line) do it when we are out on the trail and they
are having fun. Lea Ann does it even when ponied at Paminas side. They do it in
the pasture too.
all the arabs we have here do it. Maybe they don´t have fun when under saddle
:o) ?
there is the "no-i-will-not-do-that-head-fling". This is Lea Anns special. Looks
like a verry stubborn headshake. Mostly when leaving the barn allone or turning
around on trail to go back for the lost easyboot.
However there might be an other type of head-fling that
is not related to having fun or being stubborn.
have to check the whole attitude to tell the fun-one from the
Well it's definitely been "an Arabian thing" with
several Arabs I've had :-D My friends and I just call it "The Arabian
Head Fling".
Karen in