Hello, the Shenandoah Valley had an above average winter
regarding temperature in 2002 and there was a horrible bug, fly, wasp,
mosquito and insectual infestation accordingly. The Spring was of
adequate rainfall and temperature and was pleasant for planting and
riding. The summer was exceptionally dry and hot. Many more wells
dried up and the well drillers were busy and a state of emergency for drought
was declared by the Governor. The fall on the other hand was below average
temp. and normal thru precipitation. We have what is called a Green
Drought. Thats when the grass is green but the below ground water is not
filled. So for the year i think they may call this
Normal. Who knows what the climatogolists call it. But it ain't
Normal and i may be attuned from a gardening standpoint
regarding weather abnormality and some may think me nuts but i'm not
crazy. Ask an Old Timer. The pond is frozen the earliest i've
ever seen it. We have a snow storm with as much snow as all of last year
and the temp. is in the teens and last year at this time it was near 80, normal
is 45. Bob Dylan said.."the times they are a changin..."
believe it or not. So i think you could call it El Nino or global warming
or whatever, anything but Normal tho. tom