The Opening By-Law of the Knights of the Golden Horseshoe
is.."It has always been found expediant in the wisdom of all societies to allow
the formation of organizations to enhance the presence and cultures of the
citizens" Towards that Creed our endeavor to produce a Calendar on the
History of Endurance Riding in the USA and AERC is going to press the first of
next week and plans its unveiling at the OD Christmas Party on the 14th of
Dec. Having spoke with John who has allowed us to place a direct contact
point on RC we are Thankful. To all the people who have responded directly
to me voicing interest i have forwarded all correspondence to the Secretary of
the Knights, Dr. Michael O'Daniel who will handle the shipping and
ordering. The cost is 15$US which includes shipping and taxes
nationally. People know the importance of Trails and when they are lost
they are gone and we need to preserve them all, so i hope this effort saves
some miles and thru the vision of Jerry Fruth, Chairman of the Trails Committe
we are grateful for your involvement. Carol did a good job on the ad and
there's nothing else for me to say other than i hope next year there is even
more interest in these historical and worthy causes. Thomas Sites
President, Knights of the Golden Horseshoe,Inc. Americas Oldest Equestrian Order
devoted to.." Equestrian Adventure, Historical Preservation, Geneological
Research and the Education and Assistance to Children Thruout the