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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:40:24 GMT 2003
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    [RC] Appearances - Dana B.

    Remember the recent thread on how we need to watch what we do, as appearances can be misleading to folks not familiar with endurance riding?  Well, that was sure brought home to me tonight, and by my own son, no less.

    I had borrowed his horse for my friend to ride while her horse is convalescing.  When I returned home he helped me unload the horses and bring them in to feed.  When I flipped on the lights at the barn he gasped and said in abject horror:  "WHAT have you DONE to MY HORSE?!!"  I ran over, with visons of gaping wounds or slashed tendons flashing through my mind.  Hmm, I couldn't see anything.  He was still standing there, pointing with trembling finger.  "There, what did you DO to his HAIR?!!"  So I said that was just mud that had come out with the sweat.  "NO, not that [looking at me like 'you idiot'].  HIS HAIR!!!  It's in BRAIDS!!" 

    Ok, lightbulb time.  Braids =  girl = sissy.  We'd turned his horse into a SISSY :-O

    He's seen my horse in braids of course, but I guess that's ok for me and my mare.  I can see that I have some tutoring to do for my future endurance rider :-)  Better do it fast too, as he is maybe the newest member of AERC, just got his first card yesterday. 


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