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    Re: [RC] Break Your Neck Training - SandyDSA

    Yeah - WHEW! You know, between the horse's neck and mine, I will choose mine every time. BUT - HOWEVER - too many people just don't know how or won't take the time to stand back to determine just exactly what is going on. Without doubt there are some horses who are a hazard to anyone who has to do with them. We don't always know if it is temperament or a bad upbringing, and at some point it doesn't matter. Safety has to come first. This scenario speaks LOUBLY of the excruciating demands of horse ownership and why far too many poorly prepared people have "ownership" of horses - and SHOULDN'T. Simply being able to buy and feed a horse does NOT constitute quality ownership, nor does it create an appropriate ownership. The very best of everything - feed, farrier, vet, trailer, barns, trainers - none of this means squat if the OWNER has NO CLUE - and therefore no right to own - about horses. Learn learn, learn. When someone tries to insinuate that they know enough , I stay away - one can NEVER know it all, because every horse is different. Yes, there are horses who ultimately are unsuitable for what we desire - so then stop trying to squeeze them into that mold and get another who will.