----- Original Message ----- How to
teach her not to do this? If she yields beautifully
under some circumstances,
but not others?
Our suggestion would be, and this is what we do to prepare a new horse
for endurance. We tie them, with rope halters with no metal fittings,
for hours at a time days in a row. We tie them first to big stout trees
and them trailers, hitching rails and continue this while other horses are in
training around them. When we do this we slowly start their sacking out
training. By the time these horse are done, they are pretty trained to
tie all day and night. We have found no horse to be to old for this
process. It just might take a little longer with older ones and ones
that have had a bad experience.
If a horse decides not to be tied, eventually something will
break, either the rope, snap, item they are tied to, or the horses
Training is the answer in 99.5% of the
cases, but I would not take an unbreakable halter and lead and leave them tied
for days in order to teach a horse to tie unless this is a horse you would
rather have dead then loose. Some horses have a panic button they cannot
Some suggestions for the mare that
*usually* gives to pressure would be more extensive, intensive
head-lowering/giving to pressure training. Maybe you can set the response
more strongly in her. Another suggestion would be to tie her with two
ropes, one longer then the other, when the first one breaks, maybe the release
will be long enough for her to come to her senses before she hits the end of the
second one. Maybe one regular rope and one bungee rope. One thing
that has worked for me in controlled environments, I don't know how you would
work it in a camping situation is to use a lunge line, looped thru the tie
ring, most horses will not run back over 20 ft. when she stops, simply
reel her back in.
I have a gadget that I use to help
tie-train my babies and others that need it. It is a 4ft tie, with a knot
and additional 4ft with a weight on it. When they feel the 'end' of the
rope, it isn't the hard feeling that tends to make them panic, just a little
more, a little more pressure - they already know to come forward to release the
pressure, but this gives them a room to think about it. They can back
across the stall, and when they come forward, the weight takes up the slack.
--just a few ideas, hope some are
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