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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:39:57 GMT 2003
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    [RC] Abetta Saddles - Rides 2 Far

      I don't know why Bighorn doesn't do that, 
    > lets face   it, most  endurance horses are Arabian, and even if they
    aren't,  the Arabian   tree with the flared tree at the shoulder area,
    will fit most  horses that  are   endurance fit much better.  Someone
    should tell Bighorn to get on 
    > the stick. 
    Big Horn is about 6 miles from me. I got an insider to sneak out all
    their trees and bring them to my house. We lined up about 6 horses and
    tried the trees on all of them. I even took video of the results. I too
    had tried to tell my friend to convince them they should use the Arabian
    tree in an endurance saddle. Then I saw what they called an Arabian tree.
    :-P  That sucker didn't fit anything narrower than a Belgian. It was just
    flat. I had visions of some of those old photos of chunky Crabbet
    Arabians in the 50's.  The tree that was in their endurance saddle was
    the best fit for all our horses. Fit one medium build horse like a custom
    tree. On the Western type App it was narrow in the loin which explained
    why he was sore the 2nd day we tried to use one on him.  Very little
    flare in front.  
    Now I just wish I could convince them to put the stirrups somewhere
    besides the chair position.  Their answer is, "we're selling more than we
    can make like this, why change?" They just don't have the endurance
    mentality of improve, improve, and improve on that.
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