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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:39:58 GMT 2003
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    Re: [RC] [RC] [RC] Exempts private property, military lands and all plant lifefrom ES - Maureen A. Fager

    You miss the point me-thinks. The issue, for the users of public lands, is that this will allow land to be developed that will close off access to public lands. I really care less about your neigbors ugly house, I do care about developments that close off trail heads and other access my public lands. I do care about developments that bring so many people to one location that the public land available becomes so stressed from over use that it is closed or restricted by it's land managers (as happened to me in Colorado) I do care about developers who lie about keeping trails and trail heads open--but do not, as happened to me in Reno.

    The issue becomes public land with no access due to developement next to or around the land and it's access points--that is what legislation like this can and will bring.

    So, how do equestrian trail users deal with this??

    That is the issue to me.

    Happy Trails,
    Reno, NV

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