This is in response to the following
"The vet warned that the pink snip could turn cancerous with repeated
sunburns over the years. He suggested leaving him inside as much as
possible during the day"
Try Desitin diaper rash ointment. It's a great sunscreen (zinc oxide)
and is good to protect tack rubs, scratches, etc. during a ride. It keeps
you from having to carry around so many tubes of stuff. I use it for
everything from sunscreen, to salve, to lip balm, to fanny-chafe soother and
more. By the way, if your vet is telling you to keep your horse inside,
I'd be careful about other advise from him. It's much healthier for a
horse to be outside, even with the risk of skin cancer. Inside, you have
greater risk of respiratory problems, colic, etc. (tatooing??! Maybe he just
bought the equipment and wants someone to pay for it!)