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    [RC] Tornado devastation -- thehorse.com - C. Eyler

    From thehorse.com -- more information about the farm devastated by a tornado...

    Farm in Ohio Affected by Recent Tornadoes

    by: Kristin Ingwell

    The former home of Magical Mac, a horse who lived to be 50 and had his own book, was hit by one of the recent tornadoes which struck the Midwest and South on Nov. 10.

    Michele Davis owns Serendipity Stables near West Mansfield, Ohio. The facility, which works with special needs children and adults, was hosting a free open house when the tornado hit the area. Of the 13 people at the farm at the time, only one was injured, but two of the eight horses were killed and Davis' house and barn were destroyed.

    Tina Davidson, a volunteer with the group, said one of the horses who survived was actually picked up by the winds and spun around in the air before the winds subsided. Three of the horses who survived are severely injured.

    Davidson said one of the mares had a rider on her back when the storm hit.
    "It is truly amazing, when these horses are working, they're not your normal horse," she said. "The Thoroughbred mare who was working with one of the adults didn't flinch. The hail started, and this horse stood stock still."

    Davis discovered and later wrote a children's book about Magical Mac, her first therapy horse. He was named by Purina as the oldest living horse. He died in 1998.