The main reason why ASHAI has cut back is due to
lack of participation. Perhaps if getting their plight known to endurance
riders got enough interest going to gain them some members, they would be able
to do what they had oridinally intended to do. Have you been in touch with
Kat Walden? She works very hard on ASHAI, and would LOVE to have more
endurance participation. If you don't know her, let me know--I'll look up
her contact info.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, November 18, 2002 8:26
Subject: [RC] ASHAI and Southern
Good morning! After several years of being a part of a
terrific organization, ASHAI, that just never was able to lend itself fully to
the west coast, they have re-organized, and we were sad to learn that they are
now only managing dressage horses/competitions.After a lot of thought about
this, it occurred to me that perhaps we should take this into our own hands.
Since Arabians ARE the ORIGINAL sport horse :), it is logical that they be
treated as such. ASHAI was inclusive previously of dressage, hunters, combined
driving, endurance NATRC, and model/breeding (what halter USED to be and
should STILL be). While I am working through the practical aspects of
propomting this for both Arabians and half Arabs, with an emphasis of course
on the endurance horse, I would like to have some response from all of you
about your interest in this kind of support club. It may be the right time
since AHRA and IAHA are now merging, and at some point soon our club could be
recognized by the new INC. Please email me privately or on the list, if you
think your input would be something for everyone, and it just might be! It is
SO expensive these days to promote, compete and breed quality sport horses who
happen to be Arabians. I think ASHAI was an ideal vehicle to return the
Arabian to the quality show/sport and family horse it once was. What do you
think? Sandy