Re: [RC] [RC] Hunting Season - Lif Strand
At 09:23 AM 11/17/02, Nancy Mitts wrote:
Count the money. Hunters and fisherpeople contribute a significant
quantifiable revenue source. In some, if not most states that's what funds
the administration of public lands.
OK, so that means those who pay the most get to use public lands and those
who apparently pay less don't? If that's true I wonder what would happen
if hunting revenues had to support public lands *fully* for the months of
the year that they use the land. I doubt hunting revenues bring in that
much money!
If this situation was reversed would it work (this is a method I use to
check lots of arguments): Do public lands get closed down to outside use
when an endurance ride or a bike race takes place over it? Fees have been
paid, after all. If someone would point out that endurance ride fees for
public land use are much less than hunting revenues, then I'm thinking that
if might makes right ("count the money") then we should really count the
money. Do hunting revenues bring in more to maintain public lands than
*other tax dollars*? If not, how is it fair that other financial
supporters of public lands cannot use those lands part of the year? If so,
should hunters be allowed to monopolize public lands because they pay
more? If this should be the case, then I don't want to hear one more peep
out of one more person ever about Ted Turner's buying up of land and using
it just the way he wants - after all, he's doing just what the hunters are
Personally, if the answer is yes to the above, and I should be content to
not go into the National Forest or ride over BLM land during hunting
season, I want a refund of my tax money. I'm not a hunter and don't see
why I should pay to support their recreational use of MY land!
Lif Strand * Quemado NM USA *
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- Replies
- Re: [RC] [RC] Hunting Season, Nancy Mitts