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    Re: [RC] Sandy got nailed unfairly, folks... - heidi sowards

    Good for you to clear this up Linda!! I was curious as to
    exactly who said it. After all the cutting/pasting and
    leaving quotes in e-mails, it is in the archives as
    SandyDSA@xxxxxxx who made the "idiot" comments after Sandy
    Bolinger's original post from November 8, commented on her
    seeing the show and was appalled at the horses conditions
    at the finish, stating "Look at the winning time for that
    race...It was something ridiculous like 8 1/2 hours for 100
    miles."  Too bad these things get taken out of context but
    that's the nature of e-mail boards I suppose. I hope no one
    leaves the board though, even the flaming comments should
    help us to see how outsiders feel about this sport at
    times, but it would be helpful if people would research and
    think a bit before they post. (I try to, which is why I
    don't post alot!!!)   :)
    --- Linda Cowles <kadence@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
    > I need to make things right with a few folks. I clipped
    > quotes out of an
    > email and pasted them in mine, and they appear to be said
    > by one person when
    > they were actually said by someone else.
    > One of Sandy Bolingers friends emailed me personally to
    > let me know that the
    > "Idiot" comments attributed to Sandy were not made by
    > Sandy Bolinger.
    > Another Sandy emailed me to let me know she didn't say it
    > either,It doesn't
    > matter who said that now, but it's important that
    > everyone realize that
    > Sandy Bolinger DIDN'T say it. The person who did say it
    > probably regrets it
    > anyway. We all say things we'd like to take back on
    > occasion.
    > Sandy, if you're readying this, I'm so sorry you got
    > tagged that way. It's
    > no wonder you got mad and left the way you did. Like
    > Howard said, you should
    > hang in here... diversity of opinions is important. If
    > Howard can tough it
    > out, the rest of us can too.
    > Linda
    > Linda Cowles
    > Horse 'N Hound
    > New, Consigned & Used Tack
    > 9155 North State St.,  Redwood Valley, CA 95470
    > EASY  access with Hwy 101 frontage!
    > Store: 707-485-0347               Fax:  707-485-4053
    > kadence@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
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    [RC] Sandy got nailed unfairly, folks..., Linda Cowles