[RC] Wintec- G.P. v. Close contact - Lysane Cree
On the subject of wintecs, someone mentioned a preference for the general purpose saddle or the close contact...never having ridden either type very much, what exactly is the difference for the rider between the general purpose or the close-contact. They both look quite similar in shape if I remember right. I currently ride in a Wintec endurance model without the cair panels, but would like to eventually trade mine in (while it still looks good!) for a model with cair panels. I haven't really had a problem with the endurance model, but I see what you are getting at with what was said about "sitting in a chair" position. Perhaps I would have an easier time posting in a saddle that has the stirrup bars a little further back, but can someone tell me how the stirrup bars on the other models are positioned? And do the other models have lots of d-rings like the endurance model?
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