Simple ...
speed and more rationale utilization of the horse metabolic and mechanic
Speed : obvious
as one well trained horse (we/I canter horse for hours on the beach to fine
tune them) can canter at a speed of 18Km/H at a HR of 95..105. Compare that to
the trot and you get one part of the answer
Metabolic :
respiration seems to be better adapted to the canter than to the trot
Mechanics :
canter uses less energy, inertia (this is maybe not the right word, so lease
auto-correct what I mean) plays a big role; horse has to be very well balanced;
to be used only on adapted footing, not everywhere (mud, deep sand, rocks, downhills)
-----Original Message-----
From: Linda B. Merims
Sent: mardi 5 novembre 2002 18:42
To: ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx;
Subject: Canter vs Extended Trot
OK, Leonard. Why do the
Europeans canter instead
of trot? We've heard the
ad-hoc reasons us
Americans give. What
rationale do the Europeans
use for preferring a canter/hand