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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:38:50 GMT 2003
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    [RC] Thought of a Junior - TOMATDOCK

           I'm a 13 year old junior rider, and have become very interested in the 
    somewhat recent "Cliffy files." I guess I can understand all the controversy 
    surrounding this, and of course, I just have to add my little bit of input.
           I've been in endurance for a little over four years (to make it easier 
    for y'all: since I was nine). I've been doing 50's since I was 10, but I've 
    never got to do a 100 due to certain circumstances (yeah, you know what I 
    mean!), but anyways... I think that it is absolutely INCREDIBLE that Cliffy 
    did the 100. I mean, WOW. That is truly endurance. I wish I had been that 
    great of a kid when I was five! He was obviously quite willing to do the 100 
    (from what he told the journalist, anyways), and so I say more power to him!
           Well, there's my bit, just couldn't resist.
    Samantha Thomson
    SE Jr. Rider (and proud of it)
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