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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:38:17 GMT 2003
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    RE: [RC] [RC] GPS Distance Accuracy with Hills (long) - Deanna German

    The 40 odd miles of trail I have to ride locally (lots of up and down
    gullies, around a reservoir) have been "GPS'd" and also measured on foot,
    with a wheel. Even on a 15 mile trail, it measures less on GPS compared to
    the wheel.
    Now, what I don't know is how accurate those wheels are or what the
    variances are within the GPS technology. Our trails have lots and lots of
    "wiggles" and switchbacks that I wonder whether they are captured by the GPS
    Hi, Ridecampers,
    After it was brought up that my GPS probably wasn't accurate in the
    hills, I tended to agree.....
    I loaded up my track from Sunday's 26.4 mile ride with Tanna.....
    Linear distance: 26.4 miles
    Terrain distance: 26.4 miles
    What?!? There must be something wrong with the program, I was sure of
    it. So I moved over to the Grand Canyon. There are some longer, steeper
    trails there. The differences in terrain distance vs linear distance was
    also minimal there, but more pronounced than my ride on Sunday. I moved
    back to more familiar territory. Pigeon Mountain, GA, where I did my
    first LD ride many moons ago. Grades of 8-13. Minimal differences. Like
    only hundredths of a mile.
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