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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:38:20 GMT 2003
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    [RC] Who Vets at WEC? (Was AERA Letter) - Linda B. Merims

    I'm confused.
    Who is actually responsible for pre, during, and post
    vetting at WEC?
    Is it the "Veterinary Committee"?
    Or is it a group of veterinarians hired by the
    Organizing Committee?
    Are these the same group of people?  Two
    different groups of people?  An intersecting
    group of people?  One group supervising with
    pre-emptive control over the second group?
    Or is the Veterinary Committee serving in a
    purely advisory capacity?
    Is there a web site somewhere that details
    the FEI's by-laws and rules, both in general
    and specific to endurance?
    There is no way to follow this story without
    understanding the underlying structure and
    lines of authority--particularly with all
    the circular finger-pointing going on.
    Linda B. Merims
    Massachusetts, USA