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    Re: [RC] Pacing and being different at vet checks - Jim Holland

    It's not just your mule....it can be Arabians....depending on how they
    were trained. In fact, I think the exceptions have it easier than
    Arabians who are trained that way, even from experienced vets.  Sunny is
    full Arabian, and like Rudy, also trots willingly on my shoulder and
    goes to sleep in vet checks. No Arabian flare there. They may not
    "expect" that from a mule, but even some experienced vets misjudge
    Sunny's attitude, because he's well mannered to start with, and when he
    gets a little tired, he's even MORE mellow. I am very surprised when I
    get anything but B's on impulsion, attitude, and overall
    impression....and probably one of the reasons Sunny has never won a BC.
    Even had one vet suggest I needed to "drive him forward and train him to
    be more animated". No thanks....if I never win a BC, so be it. I like
    him just the way he is. I have a lot of time and effort invested in
    getting him to be that way. :)
    Jim, Sun of Dimanche, and Mahada Magic.
    Arco Farm wrote:
    > I can relate to that!  I have had my mule judged very low on impulsion by
    > inexperienced ride vets.  Experienced endurance vets have no problem
    > understanding that EVERY equine does not move like an Arabian.   I have had
    > Rudy get  B's on impulsion and overall  when he trots out willing at my
    > shoulder and then stands 'ho hum' for the exam... but without an "Arabian
    > flare",  while the same vet gave Arabs that had to have someone whoosh them
    > from behind to get them going away and again coming back get A's on
    > impulsion and overall impression.
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    [RC] Pacing and being different at vet checks, Arco Farm