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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:38:22 GMT 2003
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    Re: [RC] Pacing at Vetting alowed? - Bob & Amber Roberts

    >It shouldn't be a problem...but make sure you get the right vet!? LOL? I ride
    >a Standardbred and at one ride she got straight A's all through - except for
    >one vet at the midway point who said she looked "a little odd" at the trot.?
    >Several people tried to point out that she was a Standardbred and so her trot
    >was very different from the 100 or so Arabs he had been watching all day.?
    ...? It
    >SHOULD be okay, but being "different" can have its drawbacks!?

    Yes, it can be a problem.  I had a Fox Trotter/Arab cross that I competed on in NATRC and Endurance.  Had to explain his different gait to every vet.  It got to be a real nuisance and I was constantly worried about it.

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