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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:38:23 GMT 2003
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    RE: [RC] Very Young Children in AERC Riding - Val Nicoson

    >>>>...there are many professionals that are far more
    qualified to vote on this matter than a lot of
    parents.  Shall we remember the 7 year old girl who
    (had a dream to fly across the country), that crashed
    and died?  Yes, that was her "dream" to do that.  I am
    not arguing that she be denied her dream (she was most
    likely an exceptional child), but what she attemped to
    do was NOT appropriate for her AGE!<<<<
    Another lurker that's come out in the open on this
    subject of young riders.  Stating that "professionals"
    are better qualified than parents at making decisions
    for children is a mighty strong statement.  The post
    regarding CA rule changes in the social/mental/health
    departments because of a change in regimes states that
    this just isn't so...else the professionals making
    these rules wouldn't change them because of new
    I remember the 7-year-old girl who crashed her plane. 
    It was a sorry day for aviation...but I back her
    parents for allowing her to follow her dream.  Our
    older son started flying young (although not that
    young...only when he showed an interest) so I am aware
    of the training involved here.  He was flying before
    he was driving and has flown his parents/brother from
    IL to FL several times.  For her to have flown across
    country means she had to have been qualified to
    fly...pilots go through lots of emergency scenarios
    while "in the air" to practice for just such.  Not
    only that but pilots are always listening and/or
    talking to some air controller...and I'm sure she had
    a radio (don't recall exactly).  Through out their
    training there is an instructor on board to ensure
    they are knowledgeable.  Don't downgrade that crash
    because of her AGE...even highly-experienced pilots
    crash who have YEARS of flying.  
    To lean back toward endurance--I'm sure any young
    children riding have had lots of trail experience and
    time in the saddle to be qualified riders.  I'm hoping
    these parents have properly prepared them and am sure
    that the horses they ride are dead broke and safe...in
    any circumstances.  
    Agree with the statement that let's keep this
    endurance related and stop comparing it to other
    activities...that could go on forever.  Keep the vote
    for ONLY parents as professionals change their minds
    to suit their interests.  I am not a member of AERC
    but do have children.  I hope to do an LD endurance
    ride this coming year (my first).  I agree with having
    no minimum age requirements set...leave that to ride
    management...or pull the parent/child team should the
    parent make poor decisions on any particular ride. 
    That would be much better...allowing good parents and
    their children to ride...and "pulling" the others on
    an "as needed" basis.
    Back to lurking,
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