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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:37:38 GMT 2003
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    [RC] What are the facts on min age issue? - sharp penny

      I have been following this debate with great interest. As
    another on this list has stated, I have been torn between
    having a min. age and not. I feel in 98% of the cases the
    parents have their child's best interests at heart and we
    all agree no one wants more rules. However, even well
    meaning parents can unknowingly hurt their children. How
    many times have we heard a mom or dad say "if I had known X
    I wouldn't have let my child do Y"? I would be interested
    in hearing from both child psychologists and
    developmentalists and ask if allowing a child under 8 to
    compete in an all day ride (ie 100 miles) is in the best
    interest of the child physically and mentally.
    Professionals that are not connected with the sport and
    have no children competing ,don't have an agenda and should
    be listened to. Can prolonged riding cause long term damage
    to their joints; hip, knee and ankle as several RC'ers have
    suggested? Think of asking a weanling to follow its mother
    on a 100 mile ride and what it can do to it's growth plates
    in the knees. Sometimes what seems ok in the short term
    turns up later in life. Two year old race horses come to
    mind here. We all agree this is not in the best interest of
    the very young horse. Are we comparing apples and oranges
    by substituting the word horse for child? Are these
    children strapped on in any way? We all know how very young
    children can doze off at the drop of a hat when tired? How
    safe is this?
      I would like the board to take a good hard look at this
    and consider all the non-emotional facts. Check with child
    development experts that have nothing to do with endurance.
      Until such time I would gladly put my name on any
    petition for an amendment to temporarily implement a min
    age until we get all the facts in and can vote with our
    heads and not our hearts. 
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