From: Diane Popp On Behalf Of Alan Balch
Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 5:01 PM
Subject: October 18, 2002 Letter to Satrom - Update on governance of
equestrian sport
October 18, 2002
Mr. Thomas Satrom, Chairman
USOC Membership and Credentials Committee
c/o Office of the General Counsel
United States Olympic Committee
One Olympic Plaza
Colorado Springs, CO 80909-5760
Dear Mr. Satrom,
We are writing again to continue updating you formally on our governance of
equestrian sport.
As you are aware, we do not believe that USA Equestrian has ever engaged in
any impermissible delegation of matters central to the governance of our sport.
In addition, however, according to the terms of the USOC resolution dated
September 18, 2002, adopted by the Board of Directors September 25, 2002, it is
now confirmed that "there is no present order or decision of the USOC
concerning" the now-expired Operating Agreement once in place with United States
Equestrian Team. Therefore, USA Equestrian is not restrained in any way from
exercising its authority as NGB.
Accordingly, per the terms of our Executive Director’s letter to our IF dated
August 29, 2002 [enclosed], we are continuing to clarify any matters of
governance that might previously have been confusing.
As we advised you in Colorado Springs, we have taken formal steps to
recognize International High Performance athlete committees in all disciplines
recognized by our IF, per the enclosed correspondence. In addition, we will have
completed final formation of all other International High Performance discipline
committees within our constitutional structure, per the enclosed correspondence,
on October 29.
As to pending selection procedures, we invite your attention to the other
correspondence enclosed referring to the Driving discipline. Despite any actions
taken by USET, we are making it clear to the athletes and all international
constituencies how selection procedures are to be enacted and revised, when
necessary. We are also appreciative of the strong communication we are having
with the USOC staff in sport management.
Finally, it is clear in the USOC resolution adopted September 25, that the
USOC, with us, desires a mediated settlement to any contested issues about
governance in the sport. Following a lengthy consultation among our officers and
legal counsel yesterday, it appears that any contested path going
forward, whether related to arbitration, Membership and Credentials Committee
recommendations, or otherwise, is likely not only to be complicated and
difficult, as well as expensive for all concerned, but protracted. Under these
circumstances, by copy of this letter to both boards of directors of USA
Equestrian and United States Equestrian Team, and all appropriate athlete and
discipline committees, we are suggesting once again that the equestrian
community in total ask the leadership of USET to return to productive mediation,
without preconditions, as we have consistently sought. The athletes, in
particular, continue to express the strong desire that this matter be concluded
as rapidly as possible, with which we have always agreed. We know that President
Mankamyer has expressed her interest in this approach more than once.
The only clear path we see going forward that will result in a
definitive and speedy result is the one based on a mediated or facilitated
settlement. Otherwise, we have no choice but to continue - as we have been doing
all along - to defend the principles of a broad, unified, inclusive, fair
structure of governance, protecting always the welfare of the horse and the need
for broad-based, sound, and accountable financial management, for the long-term
good of all athletes and the sport as a whole.
Yours sincerely,
Alan F. Balch, President
copy: USA Equestrian Directors
USET Directors, National Advisory Council
International High Performance Athlete Committees
International High Performance Disciplines/Committees
Marty Mankamyer
Tyrone Lockhart