>I have never met a 5 year old who could either make nor
understand a logical decision. They simply are not of a cognizant age.
I've met a few pretty amazing kids
that age who have been pretty darn logical and thoughtful. I know that
when I was 6, and my parents hosted bible study groups, I followed the
discussions and joined in, and understood perfectly well what was being
discussed. At 7, in the second grade, I went clear through the high school
senior level of those old SRA reading comprehension tests, with a near
perfect score. Perhaps it had to do with being ranch raised--I also
knew where the first aid book was kept well before I could read, and knew how to
find all the pressure points for arteries, if someone was bleeding. My
cognizant skills were far more precocious, quite frankly, than my riding
skills--I would not have been physically able to do 100 miles at that age, even
though I rode quite a bit. While you are right that most kids are not at
that level at that age, please don't count out the ones that are.