<% appTitle="Ridecamp Archives" %> Ridecamp: Re: [RC] Very young riders in AERC rides or at any rides

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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:37:41 GMT 2003
  • Next by Date: Re: [RC] [RC] Very young riders in AERC rides
  • - Joe Long
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  • - Nancy Mitts

    Re: [RC] Very young riders in AERC rides or at any rides - FASTGraphic

    In a message dated 10/24/2002 7:49:08 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
    greymare@xxxxxxx writes:
    << Charles, I am failing to understand how this compares to endurance riding.
     Are these children in
     the low-age category racing the SAME distances and durations and runs as the
     adults?  Unless they
     are all doing the SAME THING, it just does not compare at all. >>
    To imply that every rider in a ride is doing "the same thing" is 
    disingenuous.  I will be introducing my girls to endurance riding over the 
    next year or so as they are begging and pleading to try it!  But I will not 
    be riding the same ride I would with them as me crew!  And they will not be 
    riding a hot horse dying to make it tot he front.  It will be a DIFFERENT 
    ride.  One suitable for their age and inexperience.  Sort of like the Bunny 
    Run on the slopes.......  :o)
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