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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:37:41 GMT 2003
  • Next by Date: Re: [RC] [RC] Very young riders in AERC rides
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  • - Joe Long

    Re: [RC] [RC] Very young riders in AERC rides - Sullivan

    > greymare@xxxxxxx writes:
    > << Can anyone else here think of a sport similiar where little kids are
    >  actively participating for 12-24 hours? >>
    > Do you have children?  LOL  They "compete" 24/7 at a level of stress and
    > energy that would exhaust any adult.  :o)
    > Scott
    Sure do have children, and spent a lot of time working in the schools...kids
    under 5 generally, or
    should nap.....and get to bed early. Their attention spans are extremely
    limited. I request any of you
    to visit a local preschool and observe and talk to 3-5 year olds...then tell
    me they belong on the back
    of a horse for extended periods of time.
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