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    Re: [RC] Very young riders in AERC rides - Mike & Kathy Kelly

    Good for you, Joe.  Although I'm sure everyone won't agree, I am behind you
    on this.
    Kathy Kelly
    Parks AZ
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Joe Long" <jlong@xxxxxxxx>
    To: <ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
    Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 5:32 PM
    Subject: [RC] Very young riders in AERC rides
    > A few weeks ago there were some posts here about a five-year-old
    > riding a 100 mile ride.  I did not reply at the time, for fear that
    > any reply I made would step on some toes pretty hard and rile some
    > folks up.  But this came up on another list, and I feel I must get off
    > the dime and try to fix what I regard as a serious problem with AERC
    > rules.
    > Here is the text of a letter I just sent to AERC Endurance News:
    > Joe Long
    > 18230 Appaloosa Road
    > Monument, CO  80132
    > AERC Endurance News
    > P.O. Box 6027
    > Auburn, CA 95604-6027
    > Dear Director of the AERC,
    > I noticed recently that a five-year-old child completed a 100 mile
    > endurance ride.  A number of people oohed and aahed over this, but my
    > reaction was quite different.  Frankly, I'm appalled that such a young
    > child was subjected to the risks and stresses of a ride.
    > The AERC has had a minimum age limit for horses ridden in AERC rides
    > since it was founded, for good reason:  to protect immature horses
    > from stresses that their growing bodies cannot handle safely.  Why do
    > we not have the same protection for very young riders?
    > Sure, I know some young kids are naturally good riders, and would love
    > doing a 100-mile ride.  But young children will happily do many things
    > that are dangerous or can damage their growing bodies simply due to
    > over-stress.  We adults must protect them; we must use our good
    > judgment as to what is reasonable and fitting for them to do.
    > Some will say, "It's the parents' decision."  Well, we could just as
    > easily say, "It's the rider's decision" to ride a two-year-old horse
    > in a 100-mile ride.  We recognize our responsibility in our sport to
    > protect horses from those who would, through ignorance or unconcern,
    > abuse them.  We have no less responsibility to young children -- in
    > fact, I would say we have more.
    > I implore the Junior Committee to propose, and the Board of Directors
    > to pass, a minimum age for riders participating in AERC rides.  I
    > recommend at least eight years old for any AERC ride, higher for
    > 100-mile rides.  Of course, ride managers should continue to be
    > allowed to set higher limits if they wish (as some rides do now).  I'm
    > not a doctor and I don't know the extent of the damage to young bones
    > and bodies that come just from the stress of riding that far, but the
    > Committee can check with some experts and get information on this, to
    > help them choose an appropriate age.
    > I understand that the Junior Committee looked at this some time back,
    > and felt it was not a problem because only a few children younger than
    > eight were being entered in AERC rides.  Well, it's happened again,
    > and even one time is one too many.  How will we feel if a young child
    > is seriously injured or killed on a ride, and we had the chance to
    > prevent it and failed to do so?
    > Thanks for your attention,
    > Joe Long
    > --
    > Joe Long
    > jlong@xxxxxxxx
    > http://www.rnbw.com
    > =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
    >  Ridecamp is a service of Endurance Net, http://www.endurance.net.
    >  Information, Policy, Disclaimer: http://www.endurance.net/Ridecamp
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    >  If you are an AERC member - PLEASE VOTE in the upcoming By-Laws
    >  Election!!!! (it takes 2/3rds to tango!!)
    > =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
     Ridecamp is a service of Endurance Net, http://www.endurance.net.
     Information, Policy, Disclaimer: http://www.endurance.net/Ridecamp
     Subscribe/Unsubscribe http://www.endurance.net/ridecamp/logon.asp
     If you are an AERC member - PLEASE VOTE in the upcoming By-Laws 
     Election!!!! (it takes 2/3rds to tango!!)

    [RC] Very young riders in AERC rides, Joe Long