Re: [RC] beet pulp - Susan Garlinghouse
Yeah, beet pulp still mostly goes for cattle feed, and being a root crop,
rocks get mixed in. Don't worry about it. Your horse will eat around most
of it and any she does eat won't hurt her or start an enterolith (assuming
she's not on straight alfalfa).
> Sue I have a question about beet pulp. I was buying pellet beet pulp but
> store went out of business. I found another supplier who only had shredded
> beet pulp. I am now finding small stones mixed in. I go thru each feeding
> and try to get them all out. Very time consuming. I probably have missed
> some. Will these harm my mare? Could they start an enterolith? Is it
> possible that the pellets also had embedded stones (rocks) in them also?
> Maybe I should just quit feeding beet pulp. My mare is 33 years old and
> likes the stuff. Bye Hope Lundquist
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- Replies
- [RC] beet pulp, hope lundquist