Personally, I like the theory that asthma and
allergies are on the increase in humans because we live in such a clean, bug
free world our immune systems have nothing to do, so they react to stuff they
don't need to. . . I've had two horses that had repeated bad reactions to
flu shots, so I just do the tetnus/encephalitis thing once a year. . . BUT. . .I
have three horses on three acres (seven acres during the summer) with no contact
with outside horses other than at the few rides I do. The nearest horses
to mine are some truly valuable Tennesee Walkers about 1/2 mile away, then
nothing for another mile. We do have a fair number of Amish in the area
(unvaccinated horses), but none close to me. Next year, I do plan on
adding WNV, but this year I crossed my fingers and prayed for an early
frost. Didn't get the early frost, but the skeeters are dead now, and the
horses are all still healthy. Six years ago, when I lived in Dallas,
Texas and my horses were boarded with an average of 25 horses that came and
went, they were vaccinated for lots more than just tetnus and
encephalitis. Same thing with the worming. Twice a year is fine for
land not overgrazed when there aren't any horses just across the fence.
Not so hot in a pasture board environment where you have no control over what
gets put in next to (or even with) your horse. Until horses live in a one
size fits all environment, there won't be a one size fits all vaccination
schedule. Or, to quote from the movie Gallipoli, "I judged the
risks and took my chances."
Laurie from Clare.