[RC] The West Nile Thing, Part three - Jennifer Judkins
In our March 2002 Meeting Notes, I cited an article by Alan Clemetson, MD, Professor Emeritus of Tulane University School of Medicine. Writing in the Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, Jan 2002, he says, "It has been shown that the toxins or toxoids of the usual inoculants (vaccines) cause increased blood histamine levels in animals. . . It will be possible to study the protective effects of vitamin C in reducing histaminemia. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) aids the conversion of histamine to hydanton-5-acetic acid for elimination and has been shown to protect against the toxicity of inoculations, both in animals and humans. Even some soldiers going to the Gulf War suffered severe reactions to some of their inoculations, so this matter is of concern to the armed forces as well as the rest of us. . . we are defective mammals, lacking fur and lacking the ability to make our own vitamin C. We take great care to provide ourselves with clothes and housing to make up for our lack of fur, but we do not always take enough care to make up
for our inborn error of metabolism. It is odd that medical schools, which teach so much about DNA and the genetic code, do not pay more attention to teaching nutrition and about a major human genetic defect shared by us all". Mercury, copper and other heavy metals in the vaccines are also shown to raise blood histamine levels, says Dr. Clemetson.
Stay away from pesticides which are harmful to birds.............and other living things! Remember that birds are, quite literally, "the canary in the mine". Dead birds indicate a hostile environment on the planet, and we are not in a postion to flee the mine! Imagine a world without birds.....if we don't get a grip on pesticide use, we are headed there, and you don't want to know what the outcome of that will be. Build a bat house, and entice them to live with you, they love mosquitos! A Delaware study cited by Master Gardeners at Washington State University proved that bug zappers do more harm than good. First of all, they actually attract more insects to your property. Secondly,
when the researchers examined a total of 13,789 insect electrocuted in a light trap, only 31 of them were biting flies or mosquitoes. There were 6,670 harmless and non-biting insects, as well as 2,000 predator insects and insect parasites which help out in the garden. Strategic use of DynaShield, keeping horses inside during early evening peak mosquito time, drying up standing water and using the Bt mosquito cakes or bits where needed (available from Home Garden Products at http://www.homeharvest.com/bt.htm) are some ecologically sound solutions to the mosquito problem. There are also mosquito fish, guppy size critters that eat mosquito larvae, which can be introduced to your ponds or other water bodies. Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, unpasteurized, fed at the rate of 1/4 cup a day, and/or garlic granules (Feedmark.com) will help repel insects, too.
And what about FEAR! Dr. Virginia Hunt of UCLA, writing in Infinite Mind, speaks of "M Fields" or morphogenic fields. David Hawkins, MD, and the author of Power vs Force, also sp
eaks of these energy patterns as attractor fields that become physical reality. We are powerful manifestors, even of what we don't want. The Bible teaches us, "That which I fear, has come to pass" and "As I believe, it is done unto me". Senior Director Tracie Audette in Palmer, AK, says, "Vaccinating for this disease doesn't make any more sense than it ever does. Mother Nature always bats last--you put something like that in a body, how nature responds to it is totally out of your hands. I'd rather be 'sick' as Mother Nature intended, not some scientists' idea of how I should be 'made sick' . I choose this for my animals as well. Should they become sick I have every confidence that within our wonderful family network there is all the help we need for them to recover; or go on if it is for their highest good. Faith is a wonderful thing. Choosing it over fear and drama is where Peace is." And Senior Director Julie Barker in Citra, FL (a hotbed of WNV in horses), says," Just for the record, I personally on my farm here in FL, do not v
accinate either with nosodes or the traditional way against WNV. I personally feel that if your horses are on the Dynamite Program, that they have been given a blessing and a gift of great immune boosting power. As you mentioned earlier on the Forum, I have a very old pony, 57 years old, to be exact, who is fine and sipping her Pelleted Grain Ration 'soup', although many horses have been put down all around us. You can make your own assumptions as to why she does not get it - but I know what I attribute it to."
In conclusion, you are your own guru when it comes to health choices for your horses. Build a healthy immune system with clean, pesticide-free feeds and the appropriate minerals. Vaccinate and deworm advisedly, after doing your research and consulting with a trusted veterinarian. And most important, keep your wits about you, in a world where everyone is currently losing theirs. Pogo says, "We have met the enemy, and he is us!" A great article titled "The Doors of Perception:Why Americans Will Believe Almost Anything"
by Dr. Tim O'Shea states, "If everyone believes something, it is probably wrong!" And, one of my personal favorite sayings comes from A Course In Miracles......."I could choose Peace instead of this!"
Some related links you might enjoy:
http//:www.909.shot.com http://www.mercola.com/2001/oct/3/west_nile_virus.htm http://www.mercola.com/2001/jul/4/pesticides.htm http://www.safe2use.com/poisons-pesticides/pesticides/malathion/unknown-risks.htm http://www.avma.org/policies/vaccination.htm http://www.mercola.com/2001/aug/15/perception.htm http://www.holistichorsekeeping.com/husbandry/vaccinationsproblems.html
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