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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:37:07 GMT 2003
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    Re: [RC] Uveitis Question?????? - Heidi Smith

    If a horse has had Uveitis and has been treated are
    they still contagious?????? Or is it even contagious
    from one horse to another.
    My vet told me it was not and one of my boarders is
    insists it is???????????????
    So now I have turned to the masses, has anyone out
    there had any experience with it---

    The uveitis itself is not contagious.  However, the condition that set up the uveitis to begin with often is.  The most common cause seems to be leptospirosis, and the horse may be able to pass that on to other horses when the infection is active.  Odds are, though, that the lepto infection itself is long gone by the time the horse exhibits the uveitis.  What causes the uveitis is an overactive immune response to the antibodies to the initial cause, such as the lepto.  Big particles called immune complexes form in the eyes, and cause extreme irritation and damage to the eyes.  Once the condition is present, these can flare up repeatedly over the years, triggered by a future immune response to just about anything--even something as innocuous as deworming in the face of a moderately large worm load.  (In fact, it is recommended that horses with recurrent uveitis be maintained on daily dewormers, and/or dewormed extremely frequently to prevent any worm loads from building up.)  So your vet is right that the condition is not contagious, but your boarder may be thinking about the fact that an infectious disease triggers the problem in the beginning, and may not understand that the condition persists long after the causitive infection has cleared.

    Re: [RC] Uveitis Question??????, RICMARC