I had seen pink buckets that morning near the vet check with Kanavvy on them. I swear I am not a groupie, I roll my eyes at groupies, but I was awed. She was here. wow. I Wanted to see her horse. Actually she brought 3 horses, we got to vet them too.Image was one, another gray I didn't get his name.And a "new chestnut" Tic? I think she said. He was new. She came in first in the 50, her junior, a german girl?, and sharon, rode the other two.She never looked tired or hot, I was amazed.I think Val should get BC for the riders award. But boy, those horses, all 15.3 and up at least. And just great movers, alert, great shoulders, great scores, where do you get such horses? (tried not to get disheartened at my 14.2, 1/2 Rascal).
We had some pulls, but the vet was very meticulous and she conferred with other vets and only did it when there was good reason. I have seen 5 or 6 vets in our area(thru barns and trainers I know) and she was very professional and if anyone complained I really don't think they had cause too. She knew what she was doing and it wasn't a whim, either.I 've watched for lameness and saw the same things she saw(I was only wrong once on which leg), saw a few horses that interfered, saw a girth gall from a heart monitor(under the girth), saw one or two sore backs.One horse had an arryhthmia show up(vet said she'd vetted this horse at other rides and never had it before). A few metabolic problems. One horse had a mild case of thumps, (I knew something was wrong with the way the flanks were moving , but had never seen thumps). Her vet at home told her not to electrolite during the ride, he thought it wasn't necessary.She believed him because he did eventing and rode one endurance ride a year? She had to pull and they told her to go get some electolytes for the horse.(She did put some in feed on a daily basis). 25miler. New. Saw a grade1,2,3 lamness. Saw some horses that were just beat, wouldn't trot out. Got to trot some horses for their riders as they either were too tired or had injuries and couldn't run. Then I got to do the BC for the 50's. In the middle of which a horse next to us, broke out of it's electric fence to go chase it's buddy. Now this angloarab, had a big 1000 written on it's side, and Valary Kanavvy saw it and said "1000$, I'll buy that horse, I even brought my checkbook with me". We laughed as the horse belonged to a junior rider(Ithink she got BC) who had won BC at Libery Run in the Spring and had his halter and plaque on him saying so at the time of his escape.She had written the 1000 on him, becasue he got his reached his 1000 mile mark that day. By the way ,he got out 3 times that weekend I heard.
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