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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:36:46 GMT 2003
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    [RC] Poetic Chef Speak - goearth

    Hello,  because i was the Chef d'Cook for the USA East at 3 Pan Ams, once for the USA Mountain, and once for the Pacific South and catered the Worlds in Ft. Royal i thought i may pass along my breakfast menu and how to do it for posterity to those that enjoy good food.  Eating is the basis of life, done by everyone everday, and Americans seem to have lost the flair of what constitutes good culinary fare at McDonaldland.  The Menu ...Coffee served hot with real cream or milk w/ sugar for those that desire. Decaf also if you have time and space. It should be medium strong to appease a wide spectrum of people.  I like French Roast. Milk and tea. French Toast using real French Bread cut 1" diagonally, lightly soaked in batter (heavy whipping cream, eggs, orange rind grated, orange juice, a dash of cinnamon & vanilla extract) grilled with butter on medium high heat to golden brown, lightly butter and sprinkle lightly w/ confectioners sugar.  Bacon cooked slowly on medium high heat, turning often to not overcook and served warm.  Fruit garnishes of your left over orange, grapes and strawberry if in season.  Now here's the secret.  Real Vermont Maple Syrup.  Juice and yogurt and you can cover a full cross section of peoples palates.  I've done this on a gas grill outside and know that when there are hungry people involved at a horse race they will really enjoy the fact it is real food in a real world.  "Its to a chant of ole we make our goal...but even further still  to till, where harvests are real    and all you ever ever gotta do is feel.  pulsations of energy driving me onward making me feel real so totally real"  tom sites