I have not been on Ride Camp for a
while......how ironic that when I check back in, there is a thread on
Mules!!!! I like it!!!
How could you get anything better for endurance
than a half arab mule? (unless, of course, the mule is just TOO darn smart
to be convinced that 50 to 100 miles in a day is fun!)
Rudy and I are still out here but have not been to
a race since April. My job has me traveling several days and
often weeks at a time. Rudy (QH mule) is doing great and is really
bored out in the pasture... but at least he has his two mule buddies, one of
them is my young 1/2 Arab mule, Strider. I think she is
fabulous. She has an Arab kind of trot....sorta
springy..... not really long and smooth like ole Rudy....but this
girl's forte is going to be that she can canter forever.....down the trail....
same consistent pace.... does not seem to ever get tired. She is
15 hands....about two inches shorter than Rudy. She is shorter
backed, more level croup than Ru'. Pretty head, really long
ear. She just turned 5 years old. If anyone wants to see a
photo of her....email me privately and, of course, I would love to show her off
to anyone who has an interest in mules!