out there want Arab mules??? I've got a whole country full of them. My oldest
mare, Nimbus, now about 28 yrs, came to me because she was pregnant from an
unknown cause and her owner couldn't afford to keep her. She's a gorgeous Arab
cross with something foreign because she gets a polar bear coat in the winter,
but she has a very typey head. Her foal was a lovely chocolate mule filly who
faded to white as she got older. At her birth, the stable staff were very
embarrassed by her, but she looked for all the world like an Arab filly, except
for the ears. Koko was smarter than any foal I've ever bred since, easier to
train and would have been bigger than her mother (whose father was probably a
TB, it being a common scam in country breeders to cross TB stallions with Arab
mares to get Arab-looking racehorses that are hopefully fast.). She also
didn't have a call that was actually a bray. Mules aren't held in high esteem
here except by the carters, so I succombed to pressure and sold her when she was
about a year. Regretted it ever since.
I have not heard of any arab mules.
Personality would be something else.
if any one has one
Dr. Hamilton one of the Sask ride
vets and a department head at the vet college would like to hear from
Says he will ride endurance when we
find him an arab mule.
He feels quite safe that will never