RE: [RC] AERC By-Laws Changes - Mike Sofen
You are forgetting, of course, to factor in the number of ballots that will
be discarded due to hanging chads, have smudged or otherwise illegible
entries, absentee ballots from overseas personnel, and ballots left over
from the previous voting that they may choose to include in this voting.
I've asked Jeb Bush to personally oversee the vote counting... :-)
Mike Sofen
-----Original Message-----
The booklet that comes with the ballot sates that "the quorum for this
vote is 1784." The mail arrived after I asked John the question. This
means that if 1783 or fewer ballots are recieved (and it states recieved
not mailed) by Nov 15 there is no quorum hence the bylaws fail to pass.
If 1784 or greater with greater than 1/3 of the votes no the bylaws
fail. It takes at least 1784 ballots returned with 2/3 or greater votes
for the bylaws to pass. At least that's the way I read it.
Ridecamp is a service of Endurance Net,
Information, Policy, Disclaimer:
If you are an AERC member - PLEASE VOTE in the upcoming By-Laws
Election!!!! (it takes 2/3rds to tango!!)
- Replies
- Re: [RC] AERC By-Laws Changes, Truman Prevatt