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    Re: [RC] new bylaws and citizenship - Heidi Smith

    Mike Maul mentioned to me in a private e-mail that this could also be handled by a board action after the vote.  But I am confused--if it takes such a major action to pass the bylaws change, how on earth can the board alter what it is we've voted on with a simple board action?  I agree that the problem has a simple solution, and that it likely was an oversight.  I also apologize for not having read this as thoroughly in advance as I should have, as I got stranded on the family problem and didn't pick up on this important issue.  My husband went to town today and got our mail, so we have our ballots here as well, and I'm willing to sit on them for a few days, but I still think the right way to deal with this is a NO vote, with the encouragement to the BoD to fix the problem and reissue the bylaws for another vote.  I'm not comfortable with voting YES based on a promise that the problem will be fixed.  Wouldn't it take another ballot of the membership to fix the problem if we vote it in?
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Jutta
    Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2002 1:36 PM
    Subject: [RC] new bylaws and citizenship

    I talked to somebody at AERC yesterday about the bylaws changes regarding citizenship, as I am directly affected by this change.
    The way I understand it, nobody picked up on this citizenship thing, it was not an intentional exclusion of  legal residents, and nobody brought it to the attention of the BOD in time. I am guilty too for not reading the proposed changes earlier. I usually don't bother with boring stuff like bylaws, but trust that "they" will do the right thing. I rather read ride reports and the fun stuff. Guess I need to pay closer attention.
    AERC office explained to me that if we vote yes on the changes, and the new bylaws get voted in, the board can still make an amendment to the rule to include legal residents. I guess if the board assures us that they will motion for this amendment, I will vote yes. I know that many hours and a lot of work was put into this, and after all the BOD was elected by us to represent our interests. I can't imagine them excluding one group of people intentionally.
    I guess what we need to do is let the board know that we would like an amendment to the rule to include legal residents. If I got this all wrong again, please let me know.
    Jutta Schmidt

    [RC] new bylaws and citizenship, Jutta