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    RE: [RC] Virus-"southerners and snow" - Roy Drinnan

    Many older virus code will automatically attach to sent emails and most newer virus code will scan your computers contact list and send its own emails out to the people in your pc.  Variations will generate random subject data or look through old emails on your computer and send parts of other emails as a cover for the virus. 
    The sender will not have any connection to the virus wrter, and in many cases the from address may not be the sender.  If anyone recieves and infected e-mail, it is prudent to send a note to the listed sender of the email, but one should also look at the full properties of the incoming email to try to establish the actual origin.
    I will be happy to answer any further questions either trough the list or privately.
    Roy Drinnan
    C R Software Inc
    AERC # 11648
    -----Original Message-----
    From: ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of superpat
    Sent: October 7, 2002 5:35 PM
    To: Ridecamp
    Subject: [RC] Virus-"southerners and snow"

    there is a virus showing sender as Robert and Carla Lawson with the subject being "RC-Southerners and Snow"
    Do not open.....it is virus infected.
    Thank goodness that I just updated my anti virus software this morning .
    I am not at all computer litereate but here is a rhetorical question.
    What possible satisfaction would someone get sending infected messages. And who does it and how do they do it?
    Think I will go ride my horse....

    [RC] Virus-"southerners and snow", superpat