[RC] What I learned at the National Championship - Laura Hayes
I had a great time at the NC. My horse Music did a steady 9.3 mph on every
loop- exactly as I had wanted to do. The front runners went very fast,
though and the attrition rate was high, which helped us "steady eddies" to
place well. As usual, I learned a few things:
1. NY to Kentucky in my husband's beloved semi truck is painful. He has
promised me a new seat by Fort Valley.
2. When 18 people say they will come for lunch - only 7 will show up.
3. Two people eating beef stew with dumplings for18 people gets boring
after the 4th day.
4. Amy Whelan makes me cry when she sings - love the voice - got any happy
5. Angie McGee is a tiny little person!
6. After all these years, Susan Kasemeyer and Grace Ramsey still crack me
7. When everyone tells you the trail is REALLY hard, if you are prepared
for the worst, it doesn't seem so bad!
8. The organization and volunteers needed to put on a ride of this
magnitude is incredible - THANK YOU ALL - it can't be said often enough.
9. My husband Mark should be sainted for crewing for me....(a little crabby
at times?? not me!)
10. A pile of wet dirty clothes can multiply and over take the living
quarters of a trailer in 4 days.
11. When you are away from the farm for more than a few days, and the wind
storm blows open your french doors, the neighbor's beagle will come and
sleep on your couch.
12. I really love this sport and the people in it. I hope I can do it
until I am 80. (OK, I knew this one already!)
Laura Hayes AERC#2741
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