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    Fw: [RC] Alpine - DeAnn Schnepple

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: DeAnn Schnepple
    Sent: Wednesday, October 02, 2002 11:18 AM
    To: steph@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Subject: Re: [RC] Alpine
    Well, I was at Alpine this past weekend with my riding buddy Karla Watson (she won the raffle horse).  Rob, the ranch manager and the RM had made an announcement during the raffle and awards that a women had lost her keys at camp and if they were found to please turn them in.  Nobody found them.  The next morning, Sunday, most everybody was either gone or pulling out and the lady that lost the keys was wondering around trying to find a phone to use.  I offered her my cell phone.  Since Karla and I were getting ready to leave with her "major award", the new gelding, we wanted to get on down the road since we had a 7 hour trip ahead of us.  This women used my cell phone for over 45 minutes, which was fine, but finally I had to ask to her find another phone we needed to leave.  Well, my purse and Karla's purse were in my truck in the back seat and the women was standing just outside my truck with my cell phone. Karla had thrown some money down of the passenger seat and I had our directions back home on the front seat.  After we loaded up Karla's "major award" we got in my truck and I asked Karla for the directions home.  They were gone.  Then I asked her if she was sitting on her money.  You guessed it, no money.... all gone!!  Well what could we do so we continued to pull out.  This women had given me her name ... Katy.  Well Katy started walking in front of us when we were pulling out so I stopped and asked if she had my directions.  Sure enough, she had taken them and put them in her jacket pocket.  She gave them back.  Then Karla leaned over and asked Katy about the money.  Katy pulled out Karla's money out of her pants pocket and gave it back to her like it was no big deal. 
    My point is that I think people need to beware that when you're at these rides you want to help people and some people just aren't honest.  Most are.  Anyway Katy drives a Dodge truck and she enjoys stealing.  I think this post should be available for all to see, but I thought I run it by you first.
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Steph Teeter
    Sent: Wednesday, October 02, 2002 5:08 AM
    To: DeAnn Schnepple
    Subject: RE: [RC] Alpine
    Hi - I didn't receive any other messages from you-
    -----Original Message-----
    From: ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of DeAnn Schnepple
    Sent: Wednesday, October 02, 2002 12:12 AM
    To: ridecamp
    Subject: [RC] Alpine

    Steph, I am trying to reach you privately, but have been unsuccessful.  Did you receive my message I sent you last night about the Alpine ride.

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