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    Re: [RC] Barefoot/Metabolic Issues - Drin Becker

    Debbie wrote
    " but he did trot out =
    sound as a bell, and metabolically in much better shape than the =
    steel-shod horse that finished second. 
    Ok Debbie maybe you will answer my question as no other barefoot person has since I posted it on ridecamp a few weeks ago . Are you barefoot enthusiasts saying that keeping your horse barefoot actually makes them more metabolically sound than a shod horse ? Darolyn stated in a post that she was having less colic incidents since going to the barefoot trim but when I specifically asked her about this she would not respond . I do not want to start another barefoot/shod war but I find this incredulous that people actually believe steel shoes can cause colic or other metabollic problems .
                                                       Drin Becker
                                                       Mtn Region